We specialise in physical asset management, made up of Systems, Inspections and Maintenance.

Enterprise Asset Management Systems
The Asset Inspection Team
The Home of Digital Asset Management

About us

In 2011, Matthew Knox and Edward Hiskins laid the foundation for Pole Star with a bold vision – to transform on-site data capture. Armed with mobile devices in the field, our mission is to redefine efficiency, enabling seamless data flow from the ground to your office with just a tap.

Other clients adopted the system and tailor made it to their own specification.
There are now in excess 50 Pole Star systems serving clients in Rail, Highways, Infrastructure, Utilities and Attractions & Leisure. Every attraction in the UK is certified through Pole Star.

Contact us

Today we manage more than




Inspections per Year



£1 Billion


Our company values

We understand how important it is for a company to have values. We have taken great time and consideration to select five core values that will form the backbone of the company, and steer us towards achieving excellence.

01. Excellence

Setting our standards high so that we can exceed expectations and achieve excellence in everything we do.

02. Pioneering

Striving to build the last ever asset management system, using innovative methods and technology provided by the most talented people.

03. Dynamic

Working collaboratively to provide an open and constructive working environment in which our best work can be achieved.

04. Efficient

Always aspiring to create the most streamlined processes in order to provide the best service to our clients.

05. Quality

Dedicated to building the best system, offering the best service and creating the best working environment to achieve it.

Our Accreditations

Contact us

If you have any questions about a specific product contact us today by selecting the company from the drop down menu.

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